Thursday, December 23, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Significant things that have happened since we've been home...

* Only a couple people at church asked if/when I was going to have a baby
* Shopping, shopping, and more shopping!
* P.T's and Chick-fil-A
* Daniel and Jacob scarred the possum in the garage for life, hopefully it won't come back anytime soon
* hyperboleandahalf has been read (caution: adult language in some posts)
* Jessie (the cat) has made herself comfortable in our laundry pile a couple of times
* I got to put my ornaments on the tree
* I realized how much I missed Southern accents
* We have lots of yummy treats (one of the perks of being in the bishop's family)
* Daniel has all of the sports coverage he could ever want
* Mom bought a whole box of Christmas tree cakes just for me
* Family Mario Kart parties
* And other things that I can't remember right now...

Happy holidays!

-Jenn and Daniel

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Halfway there

We are smack in the middle of finals so this will be a short post, but I had to share this recipe...

Best. Brownies. Ever.

Definitely make the frosting too! The trick is to add a touch of milk when you're mixing it, it comes out so much smoother. These are our new favorite treat!

I sold back my books yesterday and the bookstore took all but two of them. I got $70 back, which would've made me mad had I bought them at the bookstore, but I got most of them on Amazon and my entire book collection for the semester cost like $100 so I got a pretty decent return on them.

And yes, you can sell back books that you did not purchase at the bookstore.

Also, our friends David and Carrie had their baby! Well, Carrie had the baby, but David was there too and now they're the most adorable family ever! Their daughter is beautiful and Daniel and I get to go meet her and hang out with the proud parents later this week. I <3 babies!

Also, I will be home in 4 days. To borrow a phrase from TAMN, squeeeeeeeeee!


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Grover's Misadventure

Today was the last day of classes! We celebrated by going on a double date with Mark and his friend Janette to Spanish Fork to see the Festival of Lights. We picked up treats at Smith's and found the lights pretty easily. After making the rounds a couple times, we went back to Provo. Mark got his tennis racquet restrung yesterday so we went to Heritage so he could pick up his receipt and then we were off to the mall. We went to Sports Authority and looked through the posters while Mark got his racquet. We got in the car and... nothing.

Grover wouldn't start. No noise, no way to shift gears, nothing.

We said a prayer and got the jumper cables from the back of the car and the people parked next to us conveniently returned to their car so we asked them to help us. I called my dad and Mark called his dad and we got everything set up correctly. Unfortunately, Grover still wouldn't start. We tried over and over, but the car still wouldn't even make a sound. We figured it was probably the starter and since there's not a way to jump that, I went inside the mall to let the security people know we'd have to leave the car there overnight and have it towed tomorrow. When I got back, Daniel told me that one of our home teachers and neighbor, Drew (who is pretty car savvy), was coming to get us and that a new starter would be around $300 (money is kind of tight right now, so it was kind of a big blow).

Two other cars near us in the parking lot were also broken, and one of them had to be towed. When the truck showed up, the guy, Matt, offered to look at our car and see if he could do anything. He confirmed that it probably was the starter and told us that sometimes the teeth of the gears misalign and if you gently knock it a few times you can put it all back in place. Matt showed us the general area where the starter would be and then left to tow one of the other cars. Drew had showed up by then and grabbed a flashlight and hammer from his car. We eventually found the starter under some hoses and after a few hits, GROVER STARTED! We all cheered and thanked Drew and Matt and drove away. We dropped off Mark and Janette and parked at our place and turned off Grover. We waited a few moments and then tried starting. Grover started, and we breathed a sigh of relief. Drew walked over and talked with us for a few minutes, then we said goodnight.

So now Daniel and I are snuggling up in bed and eating chicken pot pie and watching 30 Rock and trying to warm up and calm down. It's been a crazy evening, but we're glad we're in our apartment and Grover is in our designated parking space. We're hoping we don't have any more car problems for a LONG time! Also, don't park near Sports Authority at the University Mall, because we're pretty sure it's cursed.


Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Almost 2 months later, we finally donated Vladimir to the National Kidney Foundation. We tried to do it through the Utah website, but since it's a Wisconsin car we would have had to transfer the title and do a bunch of other stuff that we really didn't have time or patience for, so Vladimir's just been sitting at J & M's for the last several weeks. Daniel's aunt suggested going through the Wisconsin website instead (duh, why didn't we think of that?!) and tonight we did it all online. So now it's the NKF's problem and we can move on to other car problems, like our lack of decent gas mileage in our current car. My mom just had the oil changed in her car and the guy put in some additive stuff and now she's getting 27 miles/gallon on the highway and almost that many miles in the city. I may have to do some detective work and find out how we can make that happen in our car.

Also, in case you're following our car adventures, our "new" car is a 2002 Land Rover Freelander. We found it on KSL and the guy was selling it for his friend so we got a sweet deal. We did have to buy new tires and there's only one key, but it's got some awesome features, like heated seats and air conditioning that works! We named him Grover and he's a beast, which I appreciate in the cold weather. Daniel always lets me drive, which I appreciate because I love to!
