So I'm 3 weeks late posting this. Better late than never, right?
Our rental car in Florida had NC plates! It was a nice reminder of home every time we took a drive. Also, Florida loves Adele and LMFAO. Seriously, we couldn’t drive for ten minutes without hearing their songs at least once
One of the most precious moments of the whole trip: Anna meeting Snow White. Simply adorable!
It’s warm in Florida in December (who knew?) so Daniel bought this sweet hat to protect from sunburn
Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin. Probably my favorite ride at the Magic Kingdom, mostly because I love Buzz. The point is to use your laser gun to hit little targets all over the place to defeat Emperor Zurg. I was doing so well but Daniel came from behind and ended up beating my score by a lot
As focused as Ben looks in this picture, his score was way less than the rest of ours. It’s okay, he’ll get it next time
Pumpkin juice and butterbeer from the Wizarding World of Harry Potter! Super awesome, super crowded though, not the best design for large crowds in my opinion. The drinks were really yummy though, the pumpkin juice bottle is proudly displayed on top of our fridge
Daniel and (Anderson) Schreiber had been buds since the mission (he calls Daniel “Lindsay”). We hadn’t seen him for a couple of years, so we took the drive up to Jacksonville for some beach time (and sushi)
Jacksonville was a really great area and it was nice for the boys to catch up (I mostly stood/sat there and listened). Maybe we’ll end up in the area and Schreiber (who’s training to be a nurse) and Daniel can work at the same hospital
So Daisy’s not a princess, but she’s wearing pink and that’s good enough for Anna. (Not pictured: Andrew high-fiving Stitch and getting a kiss from Mulan. Not at the same time though)
Spaceship Earth at Epcot
This is an awesome new (well, new in the last 10 years) feature where you get your picture taken at the beginning of the ride (Daniel thought it would be cute to puff out his cheeks) and later on you get to create your futuristic world. Then you get to preview your new life as an agender body and your face. Pretty snazzy stuff
Rosie, wearing her awesome BYU bib (compliments of Uncle Daniel and Aunt Jenn) and enjoying a plastic-y snack
Five Guys in Myrtle Beach. Yum!
Daniel with the dinosaurs at Broadway at the Beach. Always a hit, even in the dark in December
Hello Kitty backpack at It’Sugar. It’s no secret that I love HK, too bad I’m not in school anymore. Maybe when our daughter goes to school...
We went to feed the seagulls at the beach, but we ate more bread than the gulls! We also helped a mermaid cover up
Yeah, this is where I grew up
Technically, climbing on the rocks is illegal. But it makes for a pretty picture!
Things we didn’t get pictures of...
1) We got to talk to Mark! He got permission to talk to us all on the Friday before Christmas, since we would all be different places on Christmas day. We had a few technical difficulties at first, but eventually we were all able to gather around Ben’s laptop and Skype with our favorite missionary. Elder Lindsay and his companion were in an internet cafĂ© and a few times he had some visitors peering over his shoulder and into our living room. When asked if he knew them, Mark simply said, “Nope,” and kept talking. Once or twice we waved to some onlookers and they hurried away, which helped pull the focus back to Mark. We really enjoyed talking with him and are sad we’ll have to rely on just e-mail for the next 11 months
2) Food! One of the perks of being in the bishop’s family is that ward members like to bring over goodies to share around the Christmas holiday, so we were well-stocked with all sorts of yummy treats for our stay in NC. We also enjoyed taking turns cooking in Florida, but a few times I traded off with Stephen or Meliah in exchange for some Jenn and Rosie bonding time. Totally worth it!
3) Hannah and Joe! These lovebirds are busy planning for their wedding in July, but we were able to meet up with them for an overdue reunion at Rita’s. They have so many exciting plans; we wish we had longer to talk with them. We will definitely be in Wilmington for their wedding! I’ll definitely need to work on my tan though...
Here’s to another week of January and the rest of 2012!