Janey and I have started walking around the basement of Froedtert/Children's/Curative and it's so nice to have some time to just chat. We're mostly by ourselves down there, so we talk about babies and husbands and school and work and food and siblings and all sorts of other stuff. It's almost therapeutic to walk/talk out ideas, concerns, etc. I feel a lot less stressed and hurried at the end of the day.
Grocery rant - Why is it so hard to find 100% whole wheat tortillas?! The fancy Pick 'n Save didn't even have them! If any friends have insight on where to buy some, let me know.
Favorite workout song of the week - Let's Go by Matt and Kim
I'm only slightly obsessed with this song. It's nothing really special, I just happen to love it a lot. Also, the music video is hilarious. You could do a little kickboxing routine or jumping jacks, I feel like it's a pretty versatile tune.
Recipe FAILS - Zucchini with soy sauce
My beloved zucchini failed me this week! I think a lot of it had to do with the quality of the zucchini, apparently I picked some not-so-good ones this week. The flavor was just awful, even with copious amounts of soy sauce! Save yourself some trouble and look over your produce several times before buying/consuming.
Recipe WIN - Salmon with Avocado (I Can't Believe It's Not) Butter
Super easy recipe! Add spices of your choice (we used salt, pepper, basil, and garlic) to a salmon fillet, wrap in foil, and bake for 40 minutes at 400*. Mash a ripe avocado with about 3 tablespoons of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter, then add a quarter cup of lemon juice and a few shakes of salt. Play around with the proportions to get the flavor and consistency you want. Daniel and I LOVE avocado so we didn't want to stray from the flavor very much, but you can definitely change it around to match your tastes.