Wednesday, October 22, 2014

6 months of Matthew

My baby is 6 months old.

My baby is 6 months old!

It's getting harder to remember what Matthew was like as a little baby. See how he hardly fills out the onesie at the beginning? Now he wears 9 month clothes on a regular basis! He LOVES mealtime and we haven't found a food he doesn't like. As you can see from his stats below, he definitely chunked up after we introduced solids!

2 month stats
Height: 23.5" (50%)
Weight: 12 lbs 10 oz (50%)
Head circumference: 41 cm (85%)

4 month stats
Height: 25" (68%)
Weight: 16 lbs 3 oz (75%)
Head circumference: 43.3 cm (95%)

6 month stats
Height: 28" (91%)
Weight: 20 lbs 7 oz (92%)
Head circumference: 45 cm (94%)

I can't wait to see what the next 6 months bring!
