Sunday, June 7, 2015

Weekly wrap up

I'm two weeks behind! I'd like to say it's because we've been out doing awesome things and having a ton of fun before Daniel officially starts residency next week, but I've just been lazy. And my phone won't sync to my computer so I just have the Instagram photos I shared on Facebook to share. I guess I need to take my phone in and have it looked at. It just keeps trying to connect to iTunes over and over and iTunes can't recognize it. I've only had it for a few months, I hope I don't need a new one already!


On Memorial Day we went to Fred's for a cookout. We had a lot of fun (as always, Fred's is great!), Matthew enjoyed swimming a lot more than he did at my parent's house a few weeks ago.

Just for fun, here's Memorial Day at Fred's last year...

True story: shortly after this picture was taken, Daniel slipped on the edge of the slope to the deep end and came thisclose to dropping Matthew. Daniel tossed Matthew to me (I was sitting on the edge of the pool with my legs in the water) and went under and I scooped Matthew up and he didn't even realize he almost went for an unsupervised swim.
For some reason, I'm obsessed with this pug shirt from The Children's Place! I bought it a size up so it would fit all summer!

I've rediscovered Pinterest lately. I'm starting to gather ideas for when (if) we decide to buy a house when we move to NC. I go back and forth between being SO excited and SO terrified. Luckily there are a lot of communities to choose from, I know something will work out!
Okay, this was a super scary experience - Matthew's first trip to the ER. I've been trying to limit his paci use to naps and bedtime, so he's started putting random things in his mouth. The day before he got sick I took him to work with me and he spent a good chunk of time trying to eat the toys. I did the best I could to keep things out of his mouth, but it wasn't enough. On Friday he started vomiting and had a rising fever, even after we gave him some medicine. The thermometer read 104* at one point, so Daniel called Dr. Barkimer's office and talked to a nurse while I held Matthew and a mixing bowl/throw up bowl. She suggested we go to Children's in case he needed an IV (their office and most surrounding clinics weren't able administer IVs), so we loaded up and headed over. They took us back right away to get Matthew's stats and we noticed his temperature had come down some. Instead of admitting us right away, they took us to an observation room where we monitored fluid intake and temperature for a couple hours. They also gave Matthew some Zofran to help with the nausea. We were able to leave with a happier baby and relieved parents!

We've been talking about going to the Betty Brinn Children's Museum for a few weeks and finally decided to on Tuesday. We went a little later in the afternoon and basically had the place to ourselves. We didn't want to sit in traffic on the way home, so we went to dinner at Pizza Shuttle. We took surface streets home and still had time to play in the park when we got back. We all slept well that night!

We went to Target (as we do twice a week) and Matthew found this ball and would not let us put it away. We decided to buy it (Daniel and I are quickly becoming those parents who buy their kid stuff they don't really need) and Matthew gets so excited to play with it! We keep it out in the hall by our shoes and he points to it every time he sees it.

Matthew slept for about 20 minutes in the car on the way home from church and then refused to take a nap this afternoon. He was such a sleeping champ this week - 2-3 hour naps and 12 hours at night (maybe that's normal for others but it's new for us and it's amazing!) so it was kind of frustrating. Daniel took him on a walk outside to try and tire him out and Matthew sat down in a puddle and got nice and dirty, so he spent the rest of the afternoon in a diaper. He struck this pose while watching the Women's World Cup.

Something I love right now: Daniel

I ALWAYS love Daniel, but this last month at home with him has been so great! I love staying up late binge watching Friends and looking at houses and eating ice cream with him. It's going to be a hard adjustment for all of us once he goes back to work, but I'm so glad we have this time together now!
