Friday, July 6, 2012

Hotter than Hades

It's weeks like these that I'm especially grateful God sent me to the earth during the time of air conditioning. I know I wouldn't have been able to cut it as a pioneer. I am very thankful for their sacrifices though, I'm just glad I wasn't one of them. This week has been ridiculously hot, hotter than back home even, and with lots of outside activities associated with July 4, we had to be extra careful to stay hydrated and cool. We have absolutely no motivation to unpack anything else until this heat breaks (thankfully sometime this weekend), so for now this is kind of where we're at...


This craziness didn't deter all our (read: my) enthusiasm for fireworks and BBQs and swimming and friends this week though. Daniel grumbled a bit at first, but then realized that my plans were awesome and felt better. On Tuesday we went to the biggest fireworks show I've ever seen - 60 minutes of explosions down at the riverfront. We found free parking and the BEST viewing spot ever, plus we took a virtually traffic-less route to and from, so the drive wasn't bad at all. But it was blistering hot, even after the sun went down, so when we got home that night (11pm or so), we decided to put in the window a/c unit for our bedroom. Talk about sweet relief! On Wednesday we went to Fred's house for food and swimming and it felt so good to just float around and talk with friends and eat way too much. Later that night we went to see more fireworks at a nearby park, thankfully all the young children in our group handled the noise like champs!

Yesterday we blew a fuse trying to run both a/c units, so Daniel and I have decided to make the bedroom a sort of sanctuary. We turned on the a/c and overhead fan, closed the door, and just vegged with our laptops. This morning I braved the heat of the kitchen to get us some breakfast and the 60 seconds it took to toast some Pop Tarts and pour a glass of milk were awful.

But despite the heat, we are happy and healthy and that's what important. What's also important is that we're seeing these guys at Summerfest tomorrow...

The show starts at 10pm. Thank goodness for 1pm church!


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