Saturday, March 21, 2015

Weekly wrap up: Match edition

On Monday, Daniel received this glorious e-mail...

And there was much rejoicing!

On Friday, Daniel opened this glorious envelope...

And there was even more rejoicing!

But let me back up...

I tried to stay busy this week to help the time pass! On Tuesday I hosted a St. Patrick's brunch bunch, it was a good time with good friends and good food!

The kids LOVED the balloons!

On Thursday we went to story time at the Elm Grove library and story time at the Wisconsin Humane Society, we will definitely go back to both!

At the library

Checking out some of the animals available for adoption

On Friday the mini Stroller Brigade started the day with donuts from Cranky Al's. I was hoping for some sort of distraction in the morning and this was perfect! My stomach was going crazy with stress/worry/excitement and I shouldn't have had a donut, but it was a s'mores one and it was delicious and I only regretted it a little.

Doesn't that look amazing?!

Matthew stuffing his face with a delicious glazed donut

After Cranky's, we got ready to go, dropped Matthew off downstairs at Cassi's, and headed to school. Each school has its own Match Day tradition; at MCW your envelope is placed in a raffle drum and when your name is called, you go get it. Everyone contributes a dollar and the last person called gets the money. Daniel was about 10 from the end, the waiting was torture. We also learned there are a LOT of guys named Daniel in this class! Finally, Daniel's name was called...

Getting his envelope

Tearing open the envelope

Reading the results

Freaking out about the results

The results

Another year in Milwaukee and then 4 YEARS IN CHAPEL HILL! It still hasn't really sunk in that I'm going home but I think I'll get there! This is pretty much the perfect set up for us - we can stay in our awesome apartment with our awesome friends and awesome landlord and save up money for a down payment on a house and we only have to move once. The only bummer is that most of our friends are moving in May/June and we'll stay here, but other than that everything is wonderful! The program at St. Luke's is fantastic and of course we love UNC, Daniel is going to have a great residency!

Fred and Kathy (the most wonderful people we have ever met) took those who are graduating/leaving Milwaukee out to dinner on Friday night, we went to a steakhouse downtown called Carnevor. The food was great, the company was great, and it was an amazing way to end an amazing day!

Our food was as delicious as it looked

The STUPENDOUS Fred and Kathy

Needless to say, this week was pretty great! We're looking forward to the new adventures that await us!


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