Friday, October 15, 2010

So here's the deal

We can go to a "cold school" for med school (Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ohio, etc.) if we can go to a warm place for residency. And vice versa.

I think that's one of the first things we've agreed on when it comes to choosing schools.

Ben's home from his mission to Taiwan!

Daniel is in Wisconsin for the weekend and I am jealous. He had his MCoW (Medical College of Wisconsin) interview today and his Madison (UW-M, or you-dub-mad, Daniel hates when I say it) interview on Monday with Ben's homecoming in between.

I'll be ok though. Here are the cool things I did/am going to do today...

1) I cleaned/tidied up the apartment and it looks AWESOME
2) It's laundry day and I love having an empty hamper and a full closet
3) I'm going to get my homework done tonight (except for a take-home midterm that I'll work on probably tomorrow evening)
4) Nachos for dinner. Mmmm :)

Tomorrow I'm going to Sandy with Michelle and we're going to go to Firehouse and then go shopping at the mall. I need more sweaters and I'm going with someone who actually cares about shopping. I'm excited!

On Sunday Mark and I are going to Grandma Larson's for dinner with the family. I'll get some leftovers and have my lunch all ready for Monday.

It's going to be a fun weekend. Woo!


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